Website Updates
Today we are happy to announce various website updates. Here is a short summary of those updates.
- Move from svn to git for storing the website source code and the generated static content (
- New Docker image to make it easier to build and contribute to the website
- Upgrades to the various software and libraries used to build and serve the website (Jekyll, Ruby, Ruby Gems, jQuery, Bootstrap, etc.).
- Dark mode / theme for the website
- Removal of Google tracking code (Google Analytics, Google Fonts)
- Removal of various Ruby gems which are not needed to build the website
- Other minor styling improvements
Website using dark mode.
More on that below.
Background, Context
It has been over 8 years since the new static Jekyll powered website has been launched.
8 years is a long time and since then a lot has changed. Especially in the web world, but the website stayed more or less the same.
Since the website is purely static and doesn’t contain any dynamic server side components this means that not updating the software which is used to build the website has no negative security implications for the end users (that’s a nice thing about all the static website generators). This is vastly different if you run a server side CMS such as Wordpress or similar where you need to make sure it’s always up to date with the latest security patches.
Main problem with using old software (Ruby, Jekyll) was that it was very hard to reproduce local development environment which made it almost impossible for others to contribute - even I had issues with reproducing the environment in the past year.
We used Ruby 1.9 and Jekyll 1.5 which were both almost 8 years old and officially deprecated and non-supported for many years already.
At first, I only wanted to create a Docker image with this old software which would make it easier for other people to contribute and build the website locally.
It turned out that even that is very hard now because of the various old versions of the software and libraries that software depends on. After many hours, I did get it to work, but I decide to try to go a step further and see if I can actually update Ruby and Jekyll.
And surely, it turned out that’s not an easy task either. Over the years, Jekyll had many releases with breaking changes and to make things worse, we also utilize some custom Jekyll plugins which needed to be updated (I was actually already somewhat aware I’m opening a can of worms because I already tried to do that a couple of times in the past, but each time I decided to abandon those efforts since it required too much work / time).
In the end, after addressing all of those various issues and breaking changes, I got everything to work.
To make contributing even easier and faster, we also provide a pre-built Docker image with the development environment which should save some time and CPU cycles since the image doesn’t need to be built locally (sadly the image is on the larger side because a lot of tooling is needed to build the website - I do hope to reduce that a bit in a future when I get a chance by using a multi stage build).
Since I was already working on the website I also decided to make a bunch of other changes, my favorite one being dark mode / theme. I personally already use Dark Reader extension for Firefox which automatically provides dark mode for most websites on the fly, but I know now everyone is using something like that and a native dark mode / theme is usually better.
The source code and everything else for the new website is available at
We hope you will enjoy those new changes and most importantly, we hope those changes will decrease the barrier to entry and make contributing to the website easier and faster.
P.S. If you find any bugs or issues with those changes (especially the dark theme), please feel free to report them or, if possible, contribute the fix directly - that would be much appreciated.
Libcloud 3.5.1 released
We are happy to announce Libcloud v3.5.1.
This release includes a small bug / fix improvement which allows HTTP retrying code to also retry failed “raw” requests. In addition to that, it also includes improvement in the GCE compute driver to retrieve some resources lazily on demand instead of inside the driver constructor.
A list of all the changes can be found at
Note on Python 3.5 support
Libcloud v3.5.0 dropped support for Python 3.5.
Python 3.5 has been EOL and non-supported for more than a year ( now and a lot of libraries (including some we depend on) have already dropped support for it.
Last release which still supports Python 3.5 is Libcloud v3.4.1.
Note on code style change (developers only)
To make formating and styling in our code base more consistent, we have re-formatted all the code with black ( and we will automatically enforce black code style ( for all the new code going forward.
This should make it easier to contribute and read the code since all the code will be using the same style.
The release can can be downloaded from or installed using pip:
pip install "apache-libcloud==3.5.1"
If you have installed Libcloud using pip you can also use it to upgrade it:
pip install --upgrade "apache-libcloud==3.5.1"
Upgrade notes
A page which describes backward incompatible or semi-incompatible changes and how to preserve the old behavior when this is possible can be found at
Regular and API documentation is available at
Bugs / Issues
If you find any bug or issue, please report it on our issue tracker
Don’t forget to attach an example and / or test which reproduces your problem.
Thanks to everyone who contributed and made this release possible! Full list of people who contributed to this release can be found in the CHANGES file.
Libcloud 3.5.0 released
We are happy to announce Libcloud v3.5.0.
This release includes new features, improvements and bug fixes.
Highlights include:
- Improvements to the OpenStack driver
- New storage driver for Scaleway Object Storage
- Improvements to the HTTP requests retrying code
A list of all the changes can be found at
Note on Python 3.5 support
This release drops support for Python 3.5.
Python 3.5 has been EOL and non-supported for more than a year ( now and a lot of libraries (including some we depend on) have already dropped support for it.
Last release which still supports Python 3.5 is Libcloud v3.4.1.
Note on code style change (developers only)
To make formating and styling in our code base more consistent, we have re-formatted all the code with black ( and we will automatically enforce black code style ( for all the new code going forward.
This should make it easier to contribute and read the code since all the code will be using the same style.
The release can can be downloaded from or installed using pip:
pip install "apache-libcloud==3.5.0"
If you have installed Libcloud using pip you can also use it to upgrade it:
pip install --upgrade "apache-libcloud==3.5.0"
Upgrade notes
A page which describes backward incompatible or semi-incompatible changes and how to preserve the old behavior when this is possible can be found at
Regular and API documentation is available at
Bugs / Issues
If you find any bug or issue, please report it on our issue tracker
Don’t forget to attach an example and / or test which reproduces your problem.
Thanks to everyone who contributed and made this release possible! Full list of people who contributed to this release can be found in the CHANGES file.
Libcloud 3.4.1 released
We are happy to announce Libcloud v3.4.1.
This is a bug fix release which fixes an installation bug that was inadvertently introduced in v3.4.0.
That bug broke installation under Python 3.5 and it also prevented Libcloud from being installed inside the same (virtual) environment where older version of the requests library was already installed or where some other dependency depends on older version of the requests library.
Note on Python 3.5 support
Libcloud v3.4.x will be the last release series which still supports Python 3.5.
Python 3.5 has been EOL and non-supported for more than a year ( now and a lot of libraries (including some we depend on) have already dropped support for it.
This is making it increasingly hard for us to still support Python 3.5 since it requires a bunch of edge cases in workarounds in our code and build system.
Note on code style change (developers only)
To make formating and styling in our code base more consistent, we have re-formatted all the code with black ( and we will automatically enforce black code style ( for all the new code going forward.
This should make it easier to contribute and read the code since all the code will be using the same style.
The release can can be downloaded from or installed using pip:
pip install "apache-libcloud==3.4.1"
If you have installed Libcloud using pip you can also use it to upgrade it:
pip install --upgrade "apache-libcloud==3.4.1"
Upgrade notes
A page which describes backward incompatible or semi-incompatible changes and how to preserve the old behavior when this is possible can be found at
Regular and API documentation is available at
Bugs / Issues
If you find any bug or issue, please report it on our issue tracker
Don’t forget to attach an example and / or test which reproduces your problem.
Thanks to everyone who contributed and made this release possible! Full list of people who contributed to this release can be found in the CHANGES file.
Libcloud 3.4.0 released
We are happy to announce Libcloud v3.4.0.
This release includes new features, improvements and bug fixes.
Highlights include:
- Improvements and more flexibility in the failed HTTP requests retrying code
- Various improvements to the Equinix Metal compute driver
- Improvements and updates to the Outscale, Vultr, CloudSigma and OpenStack compute drivers
- Support for authenticating via API tokens to the CloudFlare DNS driver
- Support for using external cache for OpenStack auth tokens
A list of all the changes can be found at
Note on Python 3.5 support
Libcloud v3.4.x will be the last release series which still supports Python 3.5.
Python 3.5 has been EOL and non-supported for more than a year ( now and a lot of libraries (including some we depend on) have already dropped support for it.
This is making it increasingly hard for us to still support Python 3.5 since it requires a bunch of edge cases in workarounds in our code and build system.
Note on code style change (developers only)
To make formating and styling in our code base more consistent, we have re-formatted all the code with black ( and we will automatically enforce black code style ( for all the new code going forward.
This should make it easier to contribute and read the code since all the code will be using the same style.
The release can can be downloaded from or installed using pip:
pip install "apache-libcloud==3.4.0"
If you have installed Libcloud using pip you can also use it to upgrade it:
pip install --upgrade "apache-libcloud==3.4.0"
Upgrade notes
A page which describes backward incompatible or semi-incompatible changes and how to preserve the old behavior when this is possible can be found at
Regular and API documentation is available at
Bugs / Issues
If you find any bug or issue, please report it on our issue tracker
Don’t forget to attach an example and / or test which reproduces your problem.
Thanks to everyone who contributed and made this release possible! Full list of people who contributed to this release can be found in the CHANGES file.